Deathwatch Captain Artemis – Army of One

By Caleb Dillon | January 10th, 2017 | Categories: Army of One, Deathwatch, Warhammer 40k News, WMG

deathwatch artemis

White Metal Games is ending 2016 with Artemis. The quality is what we’ve come to grow and love about White Metal Games, this is a must see!

This year has been the year of Special Characters for WMG.  With models being produced at a higher quality level, there is a greater desire for centerpiece models and ways to display them between games.

artemis 2


Artemis is removable for the purpose of regular gameplay, and his plinth features giger-esque design and coloration.

Plinths with slotted models are a new service we’ve been offering to premium clients  and figures can be slotted up to 60mm!

artemis artemis


Do not ask, Why kill the alien? Rather, ask, Why not?

This model is currently for sale.  If you have a centerpiece model you’d like painted to a suitably high standard for your game table, contact us at White Metal Games.

This model was painted by Phillip Kohrmann of WMG.

Army of One Galleries

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