Ghamak Lord of Hate Model Showcase

lord of hate walHate is a strong word, and this guy means it with every ounce of his being. Check out this awesomely painted 3D printed Lord of Hate model by Ghamak.

There’s a 3D printable model out there that you may want to see, especially for fans of Chaos looking for an alternate Demon Prince model!

Ghamak Lord of Hate Model

Painted model by Taras Melnyk.

lord of hate 1You might be surprised at the level of detail on this guy, but the model is completely 3D printable. From the bulging wings sprouting out of the back of this dude’s power armor. It seems like this guy was once a man that received some “gifts”.

Let’s also talk about his weapon. It’s already the size of two dudes put together and looks like it’s possessed with a fiery spirit.

lord of hate 2The dark gold pauldrons combined with the tattered flowing purple sash around his waist create some awesome contrast with the crimson power armor.


lord of hate 4Getting a closer look, it’s hard to believe the amount of detail on this model, being that it’s 3D printed. Now, look at those skulls. They’re shaded perfectly and he’s even got some free-hand chaos work on his leg plates.

lord of hate 5The only thing that would suck worse than getting hit by that axe is kissing this fist before you get your lights turned out.

lord of hate 6Every inch of detail was covered on this model. Check out the varying highlight effects on the back of the wings as well as those green veins.

lord of hate 7This is some incredible work done on a model that can turn heads on tournament day. Talk about a centerpiece- great job Taras!

If you’re curious, you can buy the STL files and print your own Lord of Hate model for $18.90, or for those who don’t have a 3D printer, purchase your own Prince-sized Lord of Hate model to hobby on here.

Get Your Own Prince-Sized Lord of Hate

Learn 3d Printing

Tired of Price Hikes? Learn 3D Printing For Miniatures!

What do you think about the detail of this model? How will you painting yours once you get your hands on one? Is this the perfect model for a Daemon Prince centerpiece?

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The owner of Spikey Bits has a financial interest in the printing and fulfillment of the Prince Sized Lord of Hate.