Night Lords Have Bat Wings? – Daemon Prince Army of One

night lords

Night Lords are already a force to be feared. Now throw a Daemon Prince into the mix, and this is one mini you won’t want to come across on the table top!

Check out this incredible Night Lords Daemon Prince conversion from White Metal Games,  a miniature commission service for all your wargaming needs.

Model painted by Val Melik and custom converted by Caleb Dillon.


Hobbyists will no doubt remember the Vampire Counts lord that is posed in a similar manner to the daemon prince, above.  We loved this pose so much we just had to bring it to life in 40k Scale.


Keen observers will note the use a of variety of bits including a Balrog wing, vargheist head, legs from a Maulerfiend, and a few other odds and ends.


Painted to a Platinum level and scenically based, this model will impress on any game table.  You can order a model just like this for your private collection from our Ebay page, here.


The blood memories of this wretched creature have shown me that your treachery knows no bounds. – Marcus, Underworld: Evolution

If you have an idea for a custom conversion, contact us at White Metal Games.  We can help bring your vision to life.

Army of One Galleries

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