When the Space Marines create new chapters they do it with style, finesse, and the will to prove themselves in the eyes of their God Emperor!
Read MoreArmy of One
When you join a chapter of the Space Marines it is usually because you were born on the world they recruit from. Sign Here!
Read MoreWhen you are in the Eldar army just because you died does not mean you can not still be of use, for the betterment of your cause!
Read MoreThe Idoneth Deepkin are always on the prowl for more new souls to drag down to the depths and add to there ever growing stockpiles!
Read MoreThe Death Guard forces have shown back up on the scene hard, bringing with them all manner of new pox laden death machines!
Read MoreWhen you kill things in the realms of Sigmar it doesn’t always mean that it will stay dead! Sometimes your foe comes back to haunt you!
Read MoreNecromunda models make great Cultists of Chaos because they come in all shapes and sizes, to start with is perfect to represent any of the Chaos Gods.
Read MoreThe Necrons are one of the oldest races in the galaxy but that doesn’t mean there the smartest, I mean they did sell their souls to a star god!
Read MoreWhen the Space Marines want something shot down outta the sky they have many options available to them to get the job done!
Read MoreWhen Daemons break through into the mortal realms, most people don’t need much convincing to join them as they all appear to be beautiful!
Read MoreWhen a Space Wolf falls, it doesn’t always mean it’s the end of his fighting, if he’s still an asset to the chapter, he’ll be interred in a Dreadnought!
Read MoreWhen you are just a regular Space Marine in the army, you are not anything special but compared to a normal human you are a God!
Read MoreThe forces of the Death Guard are resilient for a reason, mainly that they are already fully bloated full of rot and disease!
Read MoreWhen the Daughters of Khaine first show up their leader is in the form of a regular lady, but once she is agitated you better watch out!
Read MoreWhen you fall into the trappings of Shadespire it’s already too late for you, the most you can hope for is not to be captured by Nagash!
Read MoreNo one will ever accuse the Dark Angels of not being overly artistic when it comes to their vehicles. But, these works of art will smite evil.
Read MoreThe Nighthaunts are one of the newest or oldest races in Age of Sigmar depending upon how you look at it! Little is known about these ghosts.
Read MoreThe Space Wolves are some of the strongest Space Marines there are, mainly due to the inhospitable conditions of there world!
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