The Tech Adepts are some of the most prized warriors in any army as they can make field repairs on the fly and speak with the machine spirits!
Read MoreArmy of One
The new Idoneth Deepkin don’t care if you’re on land or in the sea they will get you either way. But really, they do their best fighting under the sea!
Read MoreThe Death Guard have grown rather fond of their new found vehicles, one, in particular, has everyone’s attention. Behold The Rotten Roomba of Doom!
Read MoreWhen you are a Champion of Khorne you are always thinking about which planet or alien race to get your next set of skulls from!
Read MoreThe salamanders can survive in even the hottest of environments mainly due to the extreme conditions of their smoldering homeworld!
Read MoreThe Orks will make a war machine out of literally anything, from leftover tank bits, guns, and ammo. And you can be sure it works, now we have a new Titan!
Read MoreThe Eldar forces have many different types of warriors within there numerous ranks, but none so awesome as the Harlequins!
Read MoreWho doesn’t love joining the forces of Khorne, I mean he doesn’t even care from where the blood flows even if it is a Knight.
Read MoreThe Death Guard are tired of being called slow and purposeful so they made themselves some fast moving machines of decay!
Read MoreThe mighty Imperial Knight Titans have always been a little elitist. I mean come on not everyone has a walking machine of doom!
Read MoreSome of the Eldar’s devices are powered by the dead and fallen, and to respect them, they decorate they machines appropriately!
Read MoreSome of the Imperial Knights have fallen to the forces of Chaos. When they do they may not always be in great condition but they are still giant death machines!
Read MoreWhen the Ogres need a stone wall removed or a lot of enemies scattered they call in a Firebelly to spew magical flames on it!
Read MoreThe Chaos Space Marines are always further corrupted by the warp itself, developing abnormalities talons, gaping maws, and such.
Read MoreThe Space Wolves have always been one of the strongest Space Marine Chapters. Now with the Primaris Marines, they are the best of the best.
Read MoreWho would not like to have their own mighty titan at their disposal, Some people have a whole army of them. Hey, life isn’t fair deal with it.
Read MoreThe Tau have learned much from the galaxies of men, some of those things are entertainment like bumblebee from transformers!
Read MoreTo become a mighty Lord you must perform many tasks for your given patron, but once you do the gifts of Chaos are immeasurable!
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