Titanic Love – Reaver Army of One

By Rob Baer | July 18th, 2015 | Categories: Army of One, Titan

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Got a crush on Titans?  It’s understandable as of late. Checkout this sweet Reaver god engine gallery in our latest Army of One!

Eric Stumbo sent in pictures of his beautiful Reaver Titan.

Hello, this is some pictures of my first completed Reaver Titan.  Blue and yellow was airbrushed on and the shoulder pads and leg armor is a tile effect I do that I think looks pretty good.The base was a 1×12 board cut to shape with a band saw and then I used a router to put the bevel around the edge.  The dirt was a mix of sand and aquarium rocks then dry brushed.

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close up

If you click on the Army of One label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking figures, all at once.

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits? We want those pics!

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