Where Past & Future Meet: Army of One

look into my eyesPainting busts is a skill all of its own, it requires a slightly different application to achieve some of the same effects!

Here are the latest models from the community, brought to us by JanuineVision on The Long War Network Facebook Group.

Don’t look her in the eyes!


Quick n sneaky WiP post so here we go – Great stream on Twitch today working on two quite different types of freehand. T-shirt design for Kohana from @robotrocketminiatures and a skull on one of the armor plates for a Warhound Titan that’s ……. in progress.


The designs were very lightly drawn onto the models first with an HB pencil first, just the barest of guidelines, and then came the paint.


“She is truly ready for anything!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!