Disciples of Rebirth: Death Guard Army Showcase

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Coming from a hobbyist flexing his Death Guard, take a look at his Disciples of Rebirth. Each model is a work of putrid art!

We’re checking out Hugo Honijk’s Death Guard army that he’s devoted so many hours to completing. Each model has some sort of conversion. Talk about flexing your hobby muscles!

Disciples of Rebirth: Death Guard Army Showcase

by Hugo Honijk on IG as Hrudian Miniatures

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The Plagueburst Crawler is actually a converted Rhino chassis. A Nurgling spotter is there for the finishing touch.

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One very unique aspect about the army is that this force isn’t overly-toxic. They aren’t dripping with pus and oozing all over everything they touch. The entire army has a theme of “Life Recycling.” Their armor looks like it’s made of wood and their bases (and bodies) are teeming with all kinds of life. It almost has a “Flying Dutchman” from Pirates of the Carribean feel.


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These Disciples of Rebirth look like they stepped right out of the ocean. With a mix of Coral tentacles, fungus, and other natural growths, these boys are spreading the good word of Nurgle!

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Nurgle may be the god of decay and pestilence, but he is also the god of life. He keeps his followers alive despite the fact that they should have been dead from sickness years and years ago. As long as something is alive in the materium, it has (at some point) felt Nurgles touch impact their lives.

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Rebirth by Conversion

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Looking at this model, we can see Mortarion’s head, legs, and arms. A Great Unclean One’s sword was also used as the tip of the spear. What kind of model uses that torso? is that a heavily-modified Great Unclean One’s belly mouth?

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Let’s move onto this putrescent monstrosity. Do you want to talk about a conversion? This bug-Prince has Tyranids legs, AoS Blight Kings hands, a Plague Drone body, and a Nurgling head. That’s without looking at the extra bells and whistles on the model like the barrel and limbs sprouting from its shoulder.

This army takes a very unique side of Nurgle that’s not really touched on. It’s refreshing to see an army like this modeled with such high detail. You can tell that each model (big or small) got a hefty dose of love from the hobbyist. Great job and keep up the fantastic work!

What do you think about this army? How is your Death Guard force painted? Do you have any Daemon Prince conversions? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.