Flashback Friday – N’dras Tau Part 5 – Sneaky!

By GMM Studios | May 30th, 2014 | Categories: 40k Flashback, Armies on Parade, Army Showcase, GMM, Tau

Hello everyone! Brandon here from GMM Studios with a little blast from the past.

This is Flashback Friday, where I revisit old armies I have painted from the past.  I have painted thousands of models and who knows how many huge armies on commission, and each one holds a special place in my heart.

A little sweat, a lot of love, and some collaboration with another person and who knows what you can create!

I enjoy looking back every once in a while at the photos and remembering the joys and struggles, the hard work and the pure enjoyment of making someone’s vision a reality. But enough of that emotional stuff, let’s get on with it! I miss you, baby!

This week, I am showing one part of an army that actually isn’t that old, but I already do miss it quite a lot!  This is an N’dras sept Tau army, and a large one at that.  I was, and still am, very proud of this army because the customer gave me free artistic licence for the scheme and he was very happy with the end result.  I had always thought this scheme looked sharp, and I knew this sort of borderline monochromatic scheme was right up his alley.  So I went with it!  Let’s see the final results. 

This week I have up all the scouting elements of a Tau army.  First, Stealth suits.  For these I went roughly with the same scheme as the Fire Warriors, but since they have a larger weapon I picked it out with the blue.  I also didn’t go quite so heavy with the white overall on the unit leaders, since their “helmet” armor is so much larger.

Lots of Kroot!  For them I used the same colors as the pants on the Fire Warriors.  It ties the units together visually but at the same time is an organic enough color, on a different enough surface you do not notice it so much consciously.  The hair is another example of how a similar color on a much different surface and texture can look different, but still tie together.

Eight Kroot hounds to round out the post.
That’s it for this week!  Check in next Friday for more trips down memory lane. Always feel free to follow on twitter or facebook if you prefer.  Thanks for reading!