Khorne Approves – Army in a Coffin Wins Best Display!


Ever wonder what 40,000 skulls looks like? Checkout four amazing Chaos armies that were were showcased inside a coffin at Adepticon 2016!

Four Long War Veterans brought the hobby back with this amazing display and themed army at Adepticon 2016. Not only that but they also won best display with their Army in a coffin display.

The hobbyists who made this award winning display are: Nick Mills, Display Engineer; Ken Summers, Basing and Pit Crew; Marcus Baxley, Modeling Engineer; and Ian Dudek, Painter.

While patrolling the top displays Rob Baer walked up to Mills and Summers who were standing in front of their display and introduced himself.


“You were with us a lot of time on our ear keeping us awake.” Mills said with a smile on his face before elaborating on the display, “All the Bloodletters, the Heldrakes, everything, it’s all converted by our amazing Marcus Baxley who was there on the phone pushing me day after day.”

Mills said that the best thing about the entire ordeal of the event was being to see the enjoyment that everyone at the convention got when they looked at it.

“The idea of the display is that it’s a coffin and there’s a Skeleton inside,” Mills said of his teams display, “Then the general theme of course is skulls and blood.”


At the top of the display the Bloodthirsters are fighting to ascend and the blood is flowing, downwards throughout the display.


“We started talking about this display at last yeas Adepticon,” Mills said, “We worked it out together.”


Summers, who did most of the basing work said that the models where a pleasure to work with.

“Marcus killed the models,” Summer said. “He’s the mad scientist if there was ever a Mad Doc in life he is it and the great thing is that he’s an Ork player so that’s so appropriate.”

“He can remember all the bits he’s used in every model he’s ever made,” Mills added.


Summers said he’s known Marcus since they where 16 when they played tournaments together. The duo met Ken at the game store and Mills had been a friend of Marcus for almost as long as Summers; it was shocking to the both of them that they had never met sooner.

“That’s a lot of skulls!” one of the judges comments


“We guesstimate there’s about 30-50,000 skulls, each panel has about 1,000 skulls,” Mills said, “We worked with Justin over at Secret weapon mini, I know I’m a fan boy, but you don’t expect someone with a big company like Justin to respond to you but he did and it was SO amazing; he’s just a great guy. ”

Secret tech: buy skull cups on Amazon


Pro-Tip: Mills said that it took him multiple attempts to get the cliffs just right. “I remember telling my wife that I didn’t think I could do it, then one day I just took a wrecking bar and just started scaring it up,” Mills said, “Justin helped me come up with that idea.”


The group used to be more into the competitive aspect of the game but realized that’s not the way they wanted to win.

“We said, let’s aim for the fun win. We’ve had much more enjoyable games since then because we’ve been having more fun,” Mills said, “We didn’t even finish our third game because we were so drunk.”
