Magnus & Friends Thousand Sons Daemon 40k Army Showcase

Magnus & Friends Thousand Sons Daemon 40k Army Showcase

Get ready to get a big hug after this amazing army showcase! Dark Bunny Creatives has brought us a diabolically painted Tzeentch army worthy of Magnus.

Dark Bunny Creatives must have made a deal with Tzeentch for this painted army! Tzeentch is known for it’s magical and twisted ways, and this army shows that off in glorious detail. Custom conversions and a masterfully painted Magnus are just a taste of what’s to come.

Let’s give in to the powers of Chaos and worship Tzeentch once again.

Dark Bunny Tzeentch Showcase

The Thousands Sons army is in the studio, warping and influencing all who gaze upon it. This huge army is from a project that had to be tackled in waves, taking roughly 2 months to complete. This helps painting huge armies that have very intricate details, like Thousand Sons.

Dark Bunny Tzeentch Showcase

The Thousands Sons army is subtly divided up into color schemes down to a Yin and Yang theme. The blue Tzeentch Daemon Prince is painted to match his Tzaangor and Blue Horror offspring. The pink Daemon Prince is painted to match his Tzaangor and Pink Horror offspring. The 2 Mutalith Vortex Beasts represent a conglomerate of all colors of the army to balance the whole army.

Dark Bunny Tzeentch Showcase

The cold color scheme has been painted at the Adept level, with a few Epic level characters. Especially on Magnus, his cold color scheme is contrasted with his warm red upper torso and head. This brings his focal point out to his face and makes him look even more impressive.

Dark Bunny Tzeentch Showcase

Dark Bunny Creatives must have sold their souls to Tzeentch with the level of fantastic detail on this painted army. Don’t hesitate to check them out to for your army painting commission needs.

Painted models provided for promotion and review.