Rise (and fall) of the Daemons- Feast of Blades ’12

Welcome to Armies on Parade, where I display (in hopefully good detail) some great looking armies from major tournaments all across the United States.

If you click on the Armies on Parade label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking armies, all at once.
It’s like you were at a major event yourself, all from the comfort of your home or smart phone!
Back to Feast of Blades 2012 coverage! 

I had switched to Adpepticon coverage back in April, and now that we have wrapped that up, its time to co back and finish up the Feast of Blades coverage from last year!

Today we have a great looking Chaos Daemons army from Feast of Blades 2012.

This was the first event I used my new camera set up at, so (mostly) no more crappy pictures 🙂 -Enjoy MBG

If you like these Daemons, check out my first mixed forces daemon army Defilers of sector 13176