Voice of Ynnead: GMM’s Must See Eldar Army Showcase

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GMM is back with an insane Ynnari Army Showcase- check out these mystical Aeldari painted up with a fresh display and some insane skills!

GMM studios are responsible for making jaw-dropping works of art that are totally playable on the tabletop. From themed Dark Eldar armies to Ghost Buster Nurgle display boards, there’s nothing that GMM can’t turn into a masterpiece.

GMM logoHello out there! I am making a post so that means back from the distant galaxy of the space elves with another finished army. This time, Ynnari!

Ynnari Army Showcase

gmm voice of ynnead 1The main request of this army was a parchment and cherry blossom theme, keeping the palette limited. Similar tones in shading across the colors gave it a nice subdued feel, but powerful at the same time. A very unique scheme and a slightly different challenge and process made it something very special and a lot of fun.

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gmm voice of ynnead 3The same color theory was applied to the display board. It is all hand sculpted. I decided to do something a little different this time and post the in-progress shots later on, with my thoughts after the fact. So look forward to that coming up soon.

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gmm voice of ynnead 7The display is dual purpose – the front section is designed to fit over an existing wheeled cart for smaller tournament games. The back half locks together with the front with latches and aligning pegs for really big or team games. I am excited to share the whole process of how it was built but I’ll save more of that for later.

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gmm voice of ynnead 9If you haven’t gotten your fill of incredible showcases, be sure to check out GMM’s blog to see even more finished projects and pictures.

Click Here To Go To GMM’s Site To See More!

With another jaw-dropping display done by GMM studios, is this your new favorite? Have you done a similar theme with your Aeldari army? 

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