Check out the 40k top armies for all the factions that were spotted at 2019’s ATC. These beautiful lists came from all across the country to battle!
These armies come from some proud owners that flexed their hobby muscles to a new level. Check out these top armies that showed up to throw down at 2019’s ATC.
Top 40k Imperial Armies of ATC 2019
The ATC’s brought in all kinds of crazy armies. Looking at the Imperial side of things, here are our top picks of Imperial lists spotted at the event.
Top 40k Xenos Armies of ATC 2019
Top Space Marine Armies of ATC 2019
Space Marines aren’t giving up on the meta. They were spotted making some insane appearances at the ATC. Check out these top armies!
Top 40k Chaos Armies of ATC 2019
Traitorous fans came out to the ATCs flaunting the hottest stuff the Warp has to offer. Check out these top picks for Chaos!
All of these armies were fantastic to look at and explore the minor details. But now with all of these beautiful armies under our belts, which one is your favorite? Do you have a counter list to the growingly popular Chaos soup? Have any of these armies inspired you to build a new faction?
Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!