Traitorous fans came out to the ATCs flaunting the hottest stuff the Warp has to offer. Check out these top picks for Chaos!
The 2019’s ATC had some Chaos fans bring the hottest stuff that Chaos had to offer. These are quickly growing to be real archetypes in the meta that we’re sure we will continue to see.
Our Top Chaos Army Picks From the ATC
Marcus Glowczak rolled out some of the best Daemons that the Warp has to offer with three total Lord Discordants and a mix of Dreadnoughts. Check out that eye-popping paint scheme.
They have been found! Next, there was Jim Vesal’s signature Chaos list utilizing Plaguebearers, Deredeos, and a couple of awesome Daemon Princes! Take a second to appreciate the amount of detail in that banner alone!
Finally, there was another Lord Discordant list with a Daemon Engine twist from Jonathan Geiger. These Lord Discordants led a group of Maulerfiends with one especially nasty one gripping some kind of Warp-fueled chainsaw. All of these models had some kind of LED lighting effect which really brought the list alive as well.
Overall, Chaos players are definitely using the same “good stuff” from the faction. Between Plaguebearers and Lord Discordants finding a spot into almost every list nowadays, it’s still exciting to see each individual player throw their own twist into things. What is your favorite Chaos army out of these picks?
How many Lord Discordants do you run? Do you use them as wrecking balls or as aura lynchpins for your Daemon Engines? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!