The Tyranids of Hive Fleet Lexus are trying to devour a planet full of T’au. Will the improved Codex T’au be able to hold off the ever-hungry swarm?
Read MoreDrago, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 7 of 18
The Adeptus Custodes look fantastic and hit hard with a limited variety of model choices. Take a look at over 2000 points of the best the Custodes units they have to offer!
Read MoreCinematic battle terrain helps set the mood for all gaming needs. Take a look at this fantastic assembled and pre-painted resin terrain by Gamemat EU that saves time and money.
Read MoreFine details, such as lenses, help make models pop and stand out above the rest. Take a look at this easy way to paint small lenses with a brush and just a couple of paints.
Read MoreThe Grey Knights have run afoul of some Imperial Assassins and are pushed into combat with the tricky, shadowy figures. Who will emerge victorious in this $300 battle report?
Read MoreCome see some new easier ways to magnetize the Imperial Knight Titan and get a better range of motion from all the weapon options as well with these hacks.
Read MoreThe Sons of Sanguinius make a fantastic entrance with their reds and golds. Take a look at this army showcase featuring the Blood Angels and all their versatility.
Read MoreFor a sci-fi rich gaming world like the Star Wars universe, the terrain on the table can really help set the mood. Take a look at some awesome 3D printed options to make your sci-fi games of Legion pop!
Read MoreTake a look at our latest eBay rescue and get some tips on how you can save any models you may find for sale cheap on the internet like these Chaos Nurglings.
Read MoreGot an emergency and require medical attention? Check out unboxing and build of the Chirurgeon from Kromlech, with a custom scenic base, sidecar and goblin nurses all in one!
Read MoreTyranid Hive Fleet Lexus takes on the Ultramarines and Guilliman in a 2000 point Pre-Adepticon battle report. Which list do you think will come out on top?
Read MoreTired of some of the same old color schemes for basing Chaos miniatures? Take a look at three easy steps for painting up Chaos bases in a striking teal theme!
Read MoreYou really owe it to yourself to check out what we think is one of the best looking Tau armies out there, painted in an Ion Plasma Storm pattern by Top Miniature Studios.
Read MorePainting Chaos bases with red tones and fire themes is absolutely classic and easy to do. Building those fires on a static structure can sound daunting but is, in fact, secretly easy.
Read MoreTerra’s greatest warriors, the Adeptus Custodes, are being attacked by the terrifying Tyranids. Can the stalwart Custodes stand tall against the bugs’ unyielding hunger?
Read MoreTired of mold release on your Forge World minis, but don’t have enough drive to wash them all, well this Ultrasonic cleaner will make short work of all that prep time for resin miniatures.
Read MoreThe search for fantastic, versatile, paint racks is a never-ending quest, but Warlord Games offers two different sizes for paint racks, which are fantastic for storing a lot of paint in a small area.
Read MoreCheck out our easy 6 step showcase guide to painting Darth Vader & Luke Skywalker for the brand new FFG Star Wars Legion showcase.
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