Eldar forces were spotted crossing the desert sands at the ATC. Check out this beautiful army that would’ve made all of the Craftworlds proud!
Read MoreWesley Floyd
Wesley Floyd
Job Title: Staff Writer
Joined: 2018
Socials: @RealmbrushPainting
About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.
Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4. If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.
Space Marine support is coming in hot next! Check out what prices have been confirmed on next week’s big Primaris releases from Games Workshop.
Read MoreWhite Scars are getting some serious love in 40k, but they’re also hitting the scene in Forge World’s Horus Heresy as well. Check out the Kyzagan Assault Speeder!
Read MoreThe top three placings of the Siegeworld 40k tourney managed to go undefeated. Check out what they brought and tell us how it compares to your army list!
Read MoreEveryone seems to be talking about Drop Pods again! Check out 3 Space Marine combos to watch out for with their new codex rules in 8th!
Read MoreForge World is back with some heavy firepower coming to Adeptus Titanicus. Check out the latest Titan-cracking release for the Reaver Titan.
Read MoreNeed to keep pace with all of the Marine hotness coming to 40k? We’ve got all of the latest rules and tactics here for you! Check them out.
Read MoreDon’t miss all the new rules reveals for the White Scars! The masters hit and run have a new batch of rules coming soon!
Read MoreIs the Caladius as busted as people say they are? It’s no debate that these tanks have made a name for themselves in 40k’s meta, but are they next?
Read MoreDon’t miss Forge World’s new Dark Angel Space Marines miniatures for use with Horus Heresy, and Warhammer 40k!
Read MoreVulkan swore he would return and lead the Salamanders back to victory one day. Check out what another primarch’s rules could be if they appeared in 40k?
Read MoreThis is not the true story on how the Space Marines made their new Invictor Tactical Warsuit. But it will probably give you a chuckle or two…
Read MoreWe all know list building can be a headache. With the new skirmish game out, GW dropped a list builder app to help us get into our games even faster.
Read MoreKnights are back on the menu for today with a sighting at the 2019 ATC. Check out these beautiful works of art that marched across the field!
Read MoreDon’t miss all the new rules reveals for Gulliman’s Ultramarines! The masters of the Codex: Astartes have a new batch of rules coming soon!
Read MoreHow many of these are Space Marines do you think? Two more GW previews down, 25 more rumor engines to go! Can you ID these bits?
Read MoreDon’t miss the latest previews and rumors for Warhammer 40k’s version of X-Wing Miniatures as we go over what may be on the way for Aeronautica Imperialis.
Read MoreAn awesome Iron Hands army was spotted at the 2019’s ATCs! Check out the gear these guys brought out to play dating back to the Horus Heresy!
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