8th Edition 40k Versus Battle Report Series

By Guest Author | August 16th, 2017 | Categories: Battle Reports, Long War TV, Videos, Warhammer 40k News


Welcome back 40K Fanatics! Today Juice and Austin are here to show us a bunch of one on one fights between some of the top units in 40K!

Juice and Austin are here to show us how some of the most common units on the tabletop these days matchup to each other based on relative power levels!  Lets see how things turn out in our Mortal Kombat round 2!

First up is a pair of Contemptor Dreadnoughts against a T’au Riptide!  One dread has a Multi-melta and the other a Kheres Assault cannon.  The Riptide is running the fearsome Ion Accelerator cannon!

Dreads VS Scorpion

Following the middleweight matchup is a duel of the heavyweights!  The T’au Stormsurge vs an Imperial Guard Shadowsword!

Stormsurge Shadowsword

Next up is a more unusual matchup, the Necron Night Scythe flyer vs a unit of Chaos Raptors.  Jump pack infantry are one of the few units that are capable of assaulting a flyer!

Night Scythe Raptors

Finally we have a squadron of the Astra Militarum Wyverns vs an Adeptus Astartes Land Raider, how will these anti-infantry weapons fair against the heavily armored Land Raider?

Land Raider WyvernWho wins each of these classic match ups?  Check out the video  below!