8th Underdogs? Admech vs. Dark Eldar Report

dark eldar raider by arkurionWhat is up 40k maniacs! Today Juice and Daniel from ‘Fast and Ready Painting’ are here to bring us an 8th edition underdog battle using a $300 budget!

In our very special 8th edition underdog battle report Juice and Daniel went to their local hobby shop and purchased armies that cost just $300.  Through some trading and a little negotiation Juice was able to bring his favorite, Belisaurus Cawl, some Kataphron Destroyers, Skitarii Rangers and a fearsome Knight Titan!

AdMech GlamourGames-Workshop’s start collecting boxes proved to be a fantastic source of models for Daniel’s $300 Dark Eldar army!  A few Start Collecting! boxes and some Incubi was all he needed!

Dark Eldar Glamour

Being the 8th edition Newbs that they are, Juice and Daniel chose to place the ‘Only War’ mission from the main rulebook.  This mission uses power levels to determine who goes first.  The underdog automatically gets the first turn, can Daniel bring down Juice’s Knight?


Check out the entire video in the link below to find out who wins!