AoS Path to Glory Campaign: Skaven VS. Chaos Dwarves


The Chaos Dwarf Legion of Azgorh rumbles into Grimir’s Forge to battle against the skittering horde of Skaven in the kickoff of our Age of Sigmar League.

Lead by Centaurs, Daemon Engines, and Daemon-smiths, the Legion of Azgorh look to secure the forge and take control of the special piece of wargear within!

Meanwhile, the lava-baked lands are swarming with fetid rats as the Skaven unleash a Hellpit Abomination, Storm Vermin, a Screaming Bell and of course, a Vermin Lord.


The Legion of Azgorh




The full battle report awaits by pressing play below. If you want the brief on keep reading!


The Long War Path To Glory Campaign

age of sigmar stormcast cover book

If you’re still reading, before we get to the Battle Report Let’s talk about the Campaign that’s about to unfold over the next couple of months.

We’ve gone ahead and blended a few of the different ways to play in the General’s Handbook and melded them to make something we hope you’re really going to enjoy.

We’re starting out with 1500 points, roughly, of Pitched Battle. That means allegiance abilities, formations, artifacts if it’s pitched battle it is in here. But, it’s not all grab what you want, because it’s Path to Glory we’re building armies as close to the Path to Glory tables as possible and we’re limiting named characters unless it unlocks a special army.

Because this is more narrative we wanted to make sure everyone got to play with his toys so we didn’t do a hard cap of 1500.

We have made exceptions for armies that don’t have a warband as described in the Generals Handbook. These armies will also choose a rewards table based on their faction.

Part of the Path to Glory is that winners and losers are allowed to add units or gain veteran benefits. We decided that winners wouldn’t get to add units, in the hopes of keeping things balanced.

We’ve also added elements of the Map Campaign and the benefits bestowed by winning territories in order to keep things spicy when every game means army wide benefits every game matters.

So, how do you win? Well, each win is worth 3 points and each loss is worth 1 point. The first to 10 gets the opportunity to play one final championship game. If they win the Campaign is over. If they lose, well, then they have to win another game in order to play in the championship.

Enough of that let’s dive into the Battle Report!


The scream bell tolls as the might of the Skaven are unleashed upon Gimnar’s Forge. The rats roll across the blasted lands like a dust storm.


The Legion of Azogrh unleashes a volley of mortars into the onslaught. The Centaurs hold steady as the rats begin to pile in. The Hell Pit Abomination runs headlong into a line of Centaurs who quickly lay the beast low. But the patchwork creature simply stands back up and gnashes and gnaws into the Centaurs who simply shrug off the beasts attacks and lay it low yet again, this time it does not return.


The Grey Seer harnesses the power of the Screaming Bell and sends his chaotic energy into the Legion’s artillery. Spurred on by the Vermin Lord, the Storm Vermin crash into the Renders and are able to bring one down, some the ravenous rats feast upon the fresh meat as the beast falls. Enraged at the sight of their fallen brother the Centaurs ravage the storm vermin.


Meanwhile, the Vermin Lord dismantles the demonic engine thanks to the energy of the Screaming Bell flowing through him. Invigorated by the destruction the Vermin Lord calls forth the Screaming Bell to smash into the Centaurs. The sheer mass and flowing energy of the Bell tramples two of the centaurs. The Vermin Lord continues to go after the Legions artillery dismantling them one by one as the Centaurs are unable to rid themselves of the seemingly endless Skaven and soon find themselves consumed.

20161108-azgorh-skaven-134The Screaming bell continues to grind as the Bull Centaur batters against the seemingly fragile contraption but the energy of the Bell dampens the blows. In a flurry of energy, the bell grinds the remaining Bull Centaur under it’s spiked wheels. In retaliation, the Mortars dismantle the Bell but the battle is lost as the Vermin Lord strides toward the Forge and seizes the mythical armor.

