Can The Guard Draw Blood From Dante? Battle Report

blood angels red thirst edition

Welcome back 40K fans! Today we’ve got another outstanding Long War Battle report, Blood angels vs Astra Militarum. Come check it out!

Today Juice is bringing Dante’s Blood Angels, and he’s facing off against Talon’s stalwart as ever Astra Militarum.  To spice up this battle Juice and Talon have agreed to play today’s game using the Highlander format.

For those of you unfamiliar with the format, it’s pretty straight forward.  There can only be one!  Of each unit that is!  No duplicate units are allowed in your lists.  This format helps to encourage diversity and reduce spam in army lists.

BA Lineup

Juice has decided to invest the majority of his points into deep striking units, bringing Dante, some Sanguinary Guard, Assault Marines and the always amazing Terminator Assault Squad, caping all that off with a Baal Predator and a Chaplain.  This list hits fast and hard, with Marines dropping in for precision strikes against their foes.

IG Lineup

Talon loves his Astra Militarum armor!  Today he’s got some Medusas, Wyverns, a Manticore, Taurox and a Chimera!  Pretty much every Astra Militarum armor option that isn’t a Leman Russ!  Baking all this up with a Vendetta and a Lord Commissar, this tightly packed army is counting on his artillery and heavy firepower to punish the Blood Angels before they get too close!


After setting up Juice wins the roll off to go first, Talon fails to seize the initiative, and the action begins!  Juice is deepstriking the bulk of his army to avoid the high velocity death the Imperial Guard will surely rain down upon them!

1st Turn

Juice’s small collection of units on the table race forward, popping smoke and taking a couple of long range pot shots at the Imperial artillery.

Who will win this clash Imperial forces, who will be the only one remaining?  Check out the video below to find out!