How Tough Are They In 8th? Dreadnought Battle Report

Dreadnought 40k Wal Hor

Welcome back 40K fanatics!  Today Juice is here with Dark Eldar vs two versions of  Dreadnoughts, 7th and 8th Edition! Which one will prove stronger?

With what we know about 8th edition coming out in drips and drops, Juice at the Long War Beats Lab has pieced together special battle report for us this week!  We’re going to compare the 7th edition Dreadnought to the 8th edition Dreadnought to see which is more survivable!

With some monster stats in 8th edition, Dreadnoughts are something to truly be feared.  Packing a whopping 8 wounds and toughness 7 Dreadnoughts are looking like they’re going to be tough nuts to crack!


Setup on Juice’s Left is an 8th edition Dread, on his right is a 7th edition Dread.  We’ve extrapolated what we think Dark Lances will be like in the coming edition and our twin Dreadnoughts are prepped to defend themselves!

Dread Setup

This Dark Eldar army represents the pinnacle of their power in 7th edition!  Throwing out almost 40 Dark Lance shots a turn and around 100 poisoned shots, this army can chew through just about anything in only a couple of turns!  How will our brave Dreadnoughts fare against such overwhelming force?

DE setup

Check out the whole video below to find out!