Star Wars Armada – Ozzel vs Dodonna Battle Report

By Barclay Montgomery | August 17th, 2016 | Categories: Battle Reports, Star Wars Armada

armada star destryer

What’s this? A new Star Wars Armada battle report for you fans out there! We have been missing playing the Armada game here in the beats lab, so we dropped everything and made a new video for you fans out there! 

This battle features a Corvette heavy Rebels list against a Gladiator and ISD Imperial list.  The outcome will be a huge surprise check it out!


Rick’s List

MC30 Torpedo Frigate – Foresight + Lando Calrissian  + Electronic Countermeasures + X17 Turbolasers + Ordnance Experts + Expanded Launchers

Nebulon-B Support Refit – Salvation + Intel Officer + XX-9 Turbolasers

CR 90 Corvette A – Jaina’s Light + General Dodonna + Intel Officer + Turbolaser Reroute Circuits

CR 90 Corvette B – Dodonna’s Pride + Walex Blissex + SW-7 Ion Batteries

CR 90 Corvette B – Intel Officer + Overload Pulse

YT-2400 x 2


Barclay’s List

Imperial I-Class Star Destroyer – Relentless + Admiral Ozzel + Gunnery Team + X17 Turbolasers + Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams

Gladiator I-Class Star Destroyer – Demolisher + Assault Concussion Missiles + Ordnance Experts + Engine Techs

Raider I-Class Corvette – Instigator + Assault Proton Torpedoes + Quad Laser Turrets + Ordnance Experts

Major Rhymer, Boba Fett, Bossk, Firespray 31 x 2

Star Wars Armada – Ozzel vs Dodonna Battle Report

About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.