When Deathstars Collide – Superfriends VS Khorne Barkstar

By Kenny Boucher | August 26th, 2016 | Categories: Battle Reports, Khorne, Long War TV, Space Marines, Videos

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We’re tip to tip, measuring the slinging D, we got our Psychic Cabaal’s, Librarious Conclave, Fate Weaver and Khan is coming in hot.

In this Long War Battle Report we have Khan versus Chaos. Micheal McCaffery, back in the beats lab, OG 40k veteran, and he’s bringing ACTUAL Chaos Space marines.


I brought Khan, his White Scars, and the “I can’t leave home without it”, Knight Lancer.


The full army list breakdown, the play by play, and of course the actual action are in the video. Please check it out and we hope you enjoy it while you get your hobby on.

McCaffery rolls a 5, which is the same as a 6 because I brought a Lord of War.

I move my cultists up to capture that progressive aggressive. I’m hoping to summon a D-thirster. The psychic phase is where this army shines because I have 24 Psychic Power dice.


The pink horrors go full transformer and become a Blood Thirster of Insensate Rage.


The armies collide, The Khorne hounds rush the Knight Lancer and maul it down with minimal casualties.


The Bike Star slams into the Hounds, hit and run off and try and do damage in the back field.

The bikes do a bit of damage, got caught by the hounds, fail a leadership test and run off back home as the Khorne Hound Star comes back and mops up the star.


If you want the full blow by blow, all the tactics, banter, and hilarity please hit the video!