The Return of GW’s Advent Calendar – Day 1

By Zeb Barrett | December 1st, 2016 | Categories: Black Library, Warhammer 40k Rumors

santa kharn

Help Black Library count down the days until Christmas with a new piece of Lore every day! Check out day one of the  new 2016 Advent Calendar!

Black Library is doing their part in getting everyone hype for the upcoming Holiday Season!


Source: Black Library (Facebook)

Today marks the launch of Black Library’s annual Advent Calendar, and this year there are some really great treats in store for you. To get the ball rolling, Day 1’s offer is a story by Dan Abnett, featuring Oll Persson – we’ve been waiting to see what this lot are up to for some time.


Head over to Black Library’s Christmas Store every day to check out the next offer on the Advent Calendar! You should also think about subscribing which will allow you to get all 24 items for the price of only 18!