Where Are The Dark Angels & Blood Angels FAQs?

Sanguinius in battle wal hor blood angels

The Dark Angels and Blood Angels codecies have been out for over a month now, and we still haven’t seen an FAQ or “errata” as Games Workshop likes to call it for them yet.

The Dark Angels and Blood Angels both saw the release of a new codex before Christmas. But where is their FAQ?

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With most codecies we usually see an FAQ dropped within the first week or two of its release. But that isn’t the case with the recent Blood Angels and Dark Angels FAQ, and we think that’s due to a recent release schedule for erratas, FAQ’s, and Chapter Approved that Games Workshop put out a little over a month ago.

Our new approach is broken into three parts: 1) regular, corrective updates through codex errata, 2) twice-a-year ‘big’ FAQs to deal with larger issues and address balance in the game and, of course, 3) Chapter Approved.

40k FAQ Future

1: Codex Errata

A couple of weeks after the release of every codex and Chapter Approved book, we’ll review all the questions and comments we’ve received to see if there’s a need for an errata. If that’s the case, we’ll get one out quick smartish! These will address any ambiguities or issues that might have cropped up, such as how new rules and Stratagems might interact in certain edge cases, or when there is a genuine error in one of the rules that stop it from functioning as intended.

Speaking of which, we’ve just uploaded this errata for Chapter Approved 2017.

2: Big, Twice-a-year FAQs

Major game-wide questions will be answered on a biannual basis each March and September when a wider set of FAQ updates will be released. These will be focused on anything that might emerge as more codexes, and thus more unusual interactions, make their way into the game and will address issues across multiple factions and publications. We’ll also use these to address balance issues in the game, so these might include a few changes to rules for overly powerful, or underrepresented units.

3: Chapter Approved

As new codexes arrive, and certain styles of army come in and out of fashion, the relative effectiveness of certain units in matched play will change. So we’ll be using Chapter Approved as a chance to reassess the points values of all units across the game (just like we did with the first Chapter Approved).

So, according to the schedule we should’ve seen an errata already, but we won’t be seeing an FAQ until March, which is about the same time as Adepticon, but after LVO.

Which, if they stick with the schedule, that means the Chaos Daemons codex, and any others that are released prior to March, will have to wait for an FAQ as well. But what about the erratas? Are we going to be seeing those any time soon?

Perhaps they were delayed by the Christmas holiday, and Games Workshop’s New Years Open event as well?

What do you think? Is there rules or questions or issues you have with the Blood Angels, Dark Angels, and Chaos Daemon codecies?  Let us know in the comments below.

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