Death Zone’s Season 2 Updates for Blood Bowl!

By Juan Lopez | May 22nd, 2017 | Categories: Blood Bowl

Blood Bowl Season 2

Grab your spiked pads and get ready to enter the insane gridiron that is Blood Bowl’s Death Zone Season Two!

Games Workshop has released Blood Bowl Death Zone Season Two supplement and he several new features including twelve new star players, new optional rules, new items, skill updates, and more. New teams are also teased as well in this rulebook such as Chaos Renegades.

Blood Bowl Rulebook

The book comes with many new optional rules that add much complexity to the game which is great. However, it is recommended that you don’t use these rules in tournaments and leagues since new players will want to learn with a more straightforward approach.

New Rules Blood Bowl

Blood Bowl Death Zone Season Two: $36

Blood Bowl

Greetings, sports fans, and welcome to a smashing new season of Blood Bowl! In this 80-page softback book, you’ll find a host of new content with which to expand and enhance your games – new rules, new teams, new Star Players, new Hall of Fame entries – there’s a lot of new stuff to get your teeth into.

In Blood Bowl Death Zone Season Two you’ll find:

– New teams! Included are rules for Underworld Denizens, Goblins and Chaos Renegades
12 Star Players – Dwarf, Skaven, Dark Elf, High Elf, Wood Elf, Amazon, Human, Halfling, Lizardmen, Vampire, Goblin, Chaos Renegade and Norse teams are covered – with background, new artwork and rules for use in games;
New optional rules! Do you want to keep a Star Player in your team for a while? Now you can have them stick around for a much-needed boost. Running short on gold? Sponsorship deals can help out, if you don’t mind swallowing your pride and shilling McNurty’s Burger Emporium. Looking for a stadium residency? Make enough gold and you can buy your own!
Rules for well-known referees and coaching staff, with their own quirks and specialities, and rules for different stadium and pitch types;
History and team rosters for 6 new Hall of Fame entries – The Warpfire Wanderers, The Greenboyz, The Grudgebearers, The Celestial Comets, Chaos All-Stars and The Underworld Creepers;
The Official Blood Bowl reference guide – an up-to-date summary of available teams, and a Skills Update featuring some corrections, clarifications and new skills following feedback from the Blood Bowl community;
A ton of all-new background content detailing key teams, players and events in the history of Blood Bowl; facts and figures that every fan needs to know.

Be sure to check out our Unboxing and Review video for Blood Bowl Death Zone Season Two!

For more on Blood Bowl Death Zone Season Two and all things Blood Bowl, visit Games Workshop!