GW Unveils New Blood Bowl Starter Box & Models

blood bowl 3rd edition box setGW just confirmed the rumors that a third edition of Blood Bowl is on the way amid rumors over the weekend- check out the new starter box and more!

We first saw these images of a 3rd Edition Blood Bowl making the rounds over the weekend. A lot has been unveiled over the last 24 hours and now Warhammer Community has given everyone full pictures of the models and more.

Here’s everything we know now!

Early Images Spotted on the Web

Nurgle Blood BowlThis is a direct quote from the Cyanide (the BB Video game developers) that started this ball rolling… just so everyone is caught up.

Cyanide is also pleased to announce a new partnership has been signed for the third edition of Blood Bowl, the iconic game from Games Workshop. Blood Bowl 3 will coincide with the release of the new paper edition in 2020, which is being revamped with all-new game rules. More information about Blood Bowl 3 will be shared in the coming months.

Rumors Are True: Blood Bowl 3 Confirmed!

blood bowl 3Spotted on the Blood Bowl Community FB page, we’re able to lay eyes on a new edition of Blood Bowl.

blood bowl 3 3We’ve got the new cover art for the official rules showing an Imperial and an Orc in some classic art style.

blood bowl 3 2There’s a new Imperial team on the way called The Bogenhafen Barons. Their colors look like gold, white, and purple. We’re not sure if this is the whole team but eight models probably mean they’re a “middle of the road” team. Not too tanky but won’t roll over for anyone like the Halflings.

GW Unveils New Blood Bowl Boxed Set & Models For the New Edition

blood bowl boxed set… and now we can announce that 2020 is set to join those mighty dates etched into the annals of glory.

Hours of playtesting and feedback from many of the best players in the world have gone into crafting the very best edition of Blood Bowl to date – putting into practice more than 30 years of game development. At its heart, it’s the same Blood Bowl you all know and love, but polished to perfection to improve the gaming experience for everyone. 

We’ve got a first look at the cover art for the new Blood Bowl starter box set. Pitting what looks like Orc against the Bogenhafen Barons, we’ll be taking a closer look at those Imperials on the left in just a minute.

blood bowl 3 core bookThe rules team has added new tactical depth to the game both on and off the field. You can expect enhancements to core mechanics like passing, alongside campaign elements such as injuries, experience, and spending those all-important Star Player Points.

Taking a closer look at some of the Bogenhafen Barons, they’re absolutely decked out in detail.

blood bowl 3 bogenhafen model 1



blood bowl 3 bogenhafen model 4


blood bowl 3 bogenhafen model 5


blood bowl 3 bogenhafen model 7If you want a closer look at the team, Warhammer TV also dropped a video preview on their YouTube channel:

What do you think the faction details for the other half of the Blood Bowl Boxed Starter will look like? How will you be painting your Bogenhafen Barons? Are you going to use some of them as character models in Age of Sigmar?

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