Everyone Is Confused About the Blood Bowl 3 Announcement

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WTF is going on with Blood Bowl now? Take a look at this announcement that has everyone scratching their heads about a potential new edition of the game.

Yesterday’s video game press release unveiled Blood Bowl 3 was on the way for 2020, but did they also spoil a 2.0 reboot for the tabletop game as well?

Everyone Is Confused About the Blood Bowl 3 Announcement

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To set the foundation, we all know that Blood Bowl is a tabletop game with miniatures, movements, dice rolling etc. It’s a sports game based off of Warhammer Fantasy/AoS factions and American Football.  However, yesterday’s announcement seemed to have everyone scratching their heads if Cyanide Studios was talking about the video game, the tabletop game, or both…

Nurgle Blood Bowl

Cyanide is also pleased to announce a new partnership has been signed for the third edition of Blood Bowl, the iconic game from Games Workshop. Blood Bowl 3will coincide with the release of the new paper edition in 2020, which is being revamped with all-new game rules. More information about Blood Bowl 3 will be shared in the coming months.

warhammer champions

So what in the world is a paper edition of Blood Bowl? We know the game to be a smaller game in the same vein as Kill Team and Necromunda. Could a paper edition mean something like a trading card game? Could we see a version of Blood Bowl similar to Warhammer Champions?

It seems like right now, the news is open to interpretation seeing how Cyanide is a French company. Perhaps something was lost in translation OR there is some sort of paper game coming in 2020. Or it is also just as likely they did mean the tabletop game, and we will see a 2.0 reboot of that next year.

We should definitely keep our eyes peeled and looking at the horizon for more info on the game. What do you think a paper edition could mean? Would you like to see a Blood Bowl card game? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.