New Blood Bowl Releases & Spotted For July

By Wesley Floyd | June 8th, 2019 | Categories: Blood Bowl, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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The full lineup of new Blood Bowl releases rumored for July was previewed. Check out all the new releases that are coming your way soon!

Just before the Athelorn Avengers were announced at the UK Expo 2019, we heard rumors of a new Blood Bowl team coming alongside a full release. By full release, we mean themed dice, boards, cards, etc. Essentially everything the Halflings got…

Previous Rumors of Athelorn Avengers

wood elves

Previous Rumors said:

Wood Elves getting the full release treatment, plus Spike 6. The Shire is set to burn once more for the new system.

Judging from that statement, we may be seeing the following over the summer, but probably sooner than later…

  • Blood Bowl Wood Elves release (pitch, dice, team?)
  • Spike! Magazine Vol. 6 (showcasing Wood Elves?)
  • Lord of the Rings: Scouring of the Shire Expansion?

While LOTR was mentioned as well, we are still keeping our eyes peeled for that. But looking back towards Blood Bowl, here is the latest on the new team:

Athelorn Avengers Announced at UK Expo 2019

Wood Elves are one of the game’s most rewarding teams, allowing you to weave through the opposition’s line of scrimmage with impunity. If you’re looking to make impossible passes, breach the most impregnable of cages and score frankly ridiculous touchdowns, this is the team for you!

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Clad in some nature-themed athletic gear, all we got at first was the models and a short video. However, even more, new releases were spotted on WarhammerTV’s live Stream.

More Athelorn Wood Elves Releases Spotted

spike 6

Spike vol. 6’s cover was introduced showing the artwork for the Elves and more! These magazines are essentially like the team’s codex in 40k.

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Looking at one of the coolest playing fields yet, the Athelorn Avengers are going to be playing their home games on a field full of birds, leaves, and trees.

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Two different game trackers are coming in the pitch set as well.

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The design team for these Elves went all-out loading these boards down with all kinds of detail. It’s like we’ve got the perfect top-down look to the Elve’s home territory.

elves dice

And of course, they’re getting their own dice pack to roll in style while you play your games. They’ve got all the symbols that you would normally find on any Blood Bowl dice. However, there is an Elf-head insignia on one of the number markings.

Team Stats & Star Players

Onstream, they also showcased the cost of some players and their positions. The Treeman looks like he’s got just about every rule in the book!

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Does anyone remember Zoats? Looks like the ancient space lizards are making a return to Blood Bowl soon as well?

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Here’s a closer look at the chart of star players available to the Athelorn Avengers. Take a glance at their stats and let us know what player is at the top of your list to take.

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Needless to say, the latest rumors were right about the future release about the Athelorn Avengers. So could the latter half about the Scouring of the Shire also be true? Keep your eyes peeled on the horizon as we’re bound to see more on the way as we move deeper into the Summer months. Let us know what star players you’ll be choosing for your Athelorn Avengers as well as how you think these guys will play in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.