New 40k Blackstone Fortress, Warcry & More SPOTTED

blackstone fortress

The UK expo has rolled around and GW gave us some new models to get hyped for! Check out what’s on the way to some of their specialist games!

The UK expo is the largest independent tabletop event in the UK and GW wanted to give us an early look at their latest projects! Check out the latest from Warhammer Community.

 Corvus Cabal Warband: Pick Clean The Corpse

These are the bird-themed chaos Warband out of Warcry and we’re starting to notice a theme. Out of everything that’s been previewed, the Warbands are all very primal and have some kind of nature theme to them. It’s cool to see GW reaching beyond Nurgle, Slaanesh, Khorne, and Tzeentch.

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Meet the Corvus Cabal – a shadowy pack of murderers hailing from Ulgu. These guys worship Chaos as a vast, black-feathered bird known as the Great Gatherer, offering trophies stolen from their victims to this strange deity.

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 The Corvus Cabal have come to the Varanspire to seek the patronage of Archaon, who they see as an avatar of the Great Gatherer. They use stealth, guile and unnatural cunning to claim victory in the Bloodwind Spoil.

These guys are actually big fans of Archaon’s work and see him as some kind of Avatar for their god too. With their fighting style themed around stealth, maybe this faction will be able to come up out of the shadows similar to the old GSC rules in 40k!

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Athelorn Avengers Blood Bowl Team

Wood Elves are one of the game’s most rewarding teams, allowing you to weave through the opposition’s line of scrimmage with impunity. If you’re looking to make impossible passes, breach the most impregnable of cages and score frankly ridiculous touchdowns, this is the team for you!

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Keeping up with the Wood Elves playstyle, these guys will be hitting the field with some awesome nature-themed suits and a host of different head options.

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You’ll need to keep your wits about you if you choose this as your team. Right now, we don’t know anything beyond the awesome model range. However, we should keep our eyes peeled for more previews on these guys in the days ahead!

Blackstone Fortress Escalation Expansion

Something even more sinister is going on in the Blackstone Fortress. It’s attracted another band of adventurers to its depths.

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Escalation is the next expansion into the Blackstone Fortress quest line. With new enemies and adventurers, you’ll be able to dive right back into the game refreshed!

In this latest expansion, Obsidius Mallex has gained control of a portion of the alien space station’s apocalyptic power, and now threatens to bring it to bear against his foes. Before, you were battling for treasure – now, you’re fighting for survival.

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In the new wave of adventurers, we’ve got a Servitor, a Tech Priest, a Rogue Trader, a Psyker, and a Crusader! (left to right).

Escalation will be the first time fans outside of the USA and Germany can get their hands on these models (if you’re in the USA or Germany, you’ll also be able to track them down in the Combat Arena game).

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And of course, there have to be some bad guys lurking around, right? new plastic Cultists are going to be lead by the dude with the wacky flamer staff. These have a more dark-cultish look than what was spotted out of the first Blackstone Fortress base game. So what could be going on in the bowels of the labyrinth?

Enforcers Coming to Necromunda

And last but not least, we’ve got Enforcers coming to Necromunda with all-new models! These guys aren’t quite like any other Necromunda gang because they are actually an armored-up highly trained grimdark SWAT team. Be sure to check our coverage on the faction. 

All in all, we’ve got tons of exciting releases on the way to a plethora of GW’s specialist games. Let us know what you’re most excited for in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.