Painting Blood Bowl: 49er’s Theme TUTORIAL

By Shaun Moran | January 12th, 2017 | Categories: Blood Bowl, How To Tutorial, OPN

Blood Bowl

Orc Painter Nerd has brought us a great tutorial video on how to paint a Blood Bowl Human mini with the San Francisco 49er’s color scheme.

Here’s the entire mini from start to finish. OPN’s telling you exactly what colors and washes he used so you can replicate it on your own Blood Bowl Team.OPN Blood Bowl HumanOPN Blood Bowl HumanOPN Blood Bowl humanOPN Blood Bowl human

Orc Painter Nerd truly did an exceptional job on this one. He matched the colors of the 49ers almost flawlessly while still giving it that nice Blood Bowl grunge feel.

Check out OPN’s full video below.

Pro Tip: Stay Stealth