RUMORS: 2 Mysterious Model Pics are Turning Heads

By Wesley Floyd | September 7th, 2018 | Categories: Blood Bowl, Orks, Warhammer 40k Rumors

ork shaman wal

Two new model pics were spotted floating around the internet this morning. Take a look at what could be in our future for AoS and Blood Bowl.

Spotted on TGA Community, these images were posted up by followers on the rumor thread. It’s started a bit of a discussion! Check out what could be in the works for the Warhammer Hobby.

RUMORS: 2 Mysterious Model Pics are Turning Heads

Spotted on the thread coming Chikout, it looks like there’s a cross between a Chaos Spawn and a Blightlord coming to Blood Bowl.

Remember that these are all rumors so take everything with a SIDE OF SALT.

nurgle rumors

War of Sigmar.

They are promising a beasts of Chaos review on September 15th.

It seems that will be the preorder date; a week earlier than I thought.

In other news we have a pretty good nurgle spawn model, courtesy of bloodbowl

We don’t know a whole lot on this image. It was spotted on a rumor thread, but it’s not a part of the Nurgle’s Rotters team found on GW’s site. Could this be coming later, but its rules are in the Nurlge team card pack, as the picture seems to indicate?

nurgles rotters

As a spicy side to this pic, apparently, the rumor is a Beasts of Chaos review around halfway through September. We’ll see if that holds up.

Recent Rumor Engine: Old Model?

Spotted from a user named Imperial, there’s actually an old Ork model that’s holding one of the rumor engines we saw not too long ago.

ork old model

There’s an old model from way back in the day that’s holding the exact same bit that we saw previewed just a few months back!

rumor engine 6-26-18 We Need a Shaman: New Rumor Engine

Could we be seeing Orcs getting some love for AoS in Orktober? Will Orks have a new Shaman model join their ranks? GW could just be updating an old model and bringing it up to speed! It seems like GW doesn’t do that enough as they should because they’re too busy shelling out new releases all the time.

ork shaman old

In 40k, we’re seeing Primaris and other Imperial releases left and right. It would be nice to see GW step back and bring some classic models up to speed. Could this be the start of something big?

Remember that these are all still RUMORS. Check out the thread yourself and see what some others have to say!

What do you think about the rumors this morning? Do you have any good guesses as to what that Nurgle Spawn will be doing in Blood Bowl?

Would you like to see an updated model of an old unit appear in AoS? Or would you rather see a brand new unit altogether? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

cartoon ear whisper rumor

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