Rule the Food Court: Foodies Board Game Review

By Christopher Guyton | September 5th, 2019 | Categories: Board Game Reviews, Board Games, Product Review

Looking for an easy to learn, fast play, lightweight game to add to your game night? Then check out Foodies and rule the food court!

Foodies is a 2-5 player game designed by Ken Gruhl and published by CMON games. As a lighter game, a typical play lasts twenty to thirty minutes.

Foodies: $39.99

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Managing a successful food court is hard work. Foodies flock to food courts with the tastiest offering, so you’d better brush up! Can you tell a rissole from a risotto? Do you add falafel to your fajitas? Oooh, how about some bratwurst-stuffed baozi? If so, maybe you’ve got what it takes to host phenomenal food stalls from every corner of the globe and run the world’s finest food court!

In Foodies, you’re always part of the alimentary action! Buy food stalls and carefully position them in your court. With some planning (and a little luck), your network of international culinary stars will propel your popularity ever higher! Every cuisine has a unique ability, so you’ll have to consider WHO you want in your court and WHERE. And, of course, there are special Chefs on hand to help push your popularity to even greater heights if you can curry their favor!

Gather your stalls, build your court, and take a big bite out of the competition in Foodies!


1 Market Board
5 Court Dashboards
15 Player Markers
1 Ten-sided Die
1 First Player Token
10 Culture Randomizer Cards
5 Special Chef Cards
100 Tent Cards
50 Coin Tokens
20 Flyer Tokens
20 Popularity Tokens

Ages: 14+
Players: 2-5
Game Length: 20-30 minutes

Rule the Food Court: Foodies Board Game Review

In Foodies, you are managing a food stall at the local food court. Your goal is to be the most popular spot in town. With many different dishes to serve and the help of famous chefs, you have many ways to accomplish this.

foodies board game review

Each player has a food stall mat with nine empty stalls. Most have money on them and two are blank once the coins are claimed. A player’s turn consists of three phases.

Foodie Visit

First, the active player rolls the ten-sided die and the number that comes up activates that corresponding stall. If it’s empty you don’t get anything but if you have coins or a food stall, you get rewards. All players collect from their own stalls for the active player’s roll.


Obtain New Stall

You now can purchase a new food stall and slot it into any of your nine stalls. You may even place on top of an existing stall discarding the older one. Now when that stall number comes up you will gain a much better reward during the foodie visits.

Hire Chef

The last action you can do on a turn is to hire special chefs to increase your popularity. There is a default chef that gains one popularity for four coins. The other two chefs you choose randomly at the game setup. That will typically give you three popularity stars each when claimed.


There are various menu items from ten different countries. Each game you will randomly choose five of the ten countries to represent. The different possible combinations make each gameplay a little different. This definitely leads to a pretty good amount of replay value.

I really enjoyed my playthrough of Foodies. It’s a very fast, easy to learn, and enjoyable game. If you’re looking for something lightweight and not a huge time investment then give Foodies a shot.

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