Talisman 5th Edition: Pre-Order the Classic Board Game Today!

Talisman board game FeatureAvalon Hill is releasing a brand-new 5th Edition of Talisman: The Magical Quest Board Game this summer with 12 wild miniatures to claim the crown!

This new set includes 12 fresh miniatures and signals a change in publishers. Fantasy Flight Games used to handle the 4th Edition, but now Avalon Hill, aka Hasbro, is taking charge. Hopefully, this switch will breathe new life into the game and keep those miniatures coming on the regular.

5th Edition Talisman Board Game

Talisman board game 2Welcome back, adventurers! Talisman, the beloved fantasy board game, is leveling up with its 5th edition. Whether you’re a seasoned wizard or a newbie knight, this edition promises a magical mix of revamped rules, stunning new artwork, and top-notch components.

Talisman: The Magical Quest Board Game: $59.99

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Historical Background

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Let’s take a trip back to 1983 when Talisman first enchanted the board game scene. Created by Robert Harris, it quickly became a fan favorite for its blend of role-playing and adventure. Fast forward through multiple editions and expansions, Talisman has evolved while keeping its nostalgic charm intact.

Evolution Over the Years


The last Edition of Talisman came out in 2007 from Games Workshop after its introduction in 1983—feel old yet? It was followed by a revised 4th Edition from Fantasy Flight Games in 2017, and Pegasus Spiele took over production of the game for GW in 2019 after FFG and GW parted ways allegedly over the production of FFG’s Sci-Fi miniatures game Star Wars Legion (among other things).

From new characters and quests to rule tweaks and graphic overhauls, Talisman has seen it all. Each edition brought something fresh to the table.

Now, the 5th edition continues this tradition with refined mechanics and dazzling visuals, making it the most exciting iteration yet.

What’s New in 5th Edition Talisman?

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Key Updates: What’s cooking in the new edition?

The 5th Edition of Talisman promises some fantastic updates, including fresh artwork, redesigned figures, and a revamped rulebook that makes the game more accessible and streamlined for both new players and long-time fans.

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It’s like the game cast a spell of improvement across the board!

The ultimate goal is still the same; it’s all about racing to grab that Talisman, reaching the Crown of Command smack dab in the center of the board, and taking down the elder dragon to claim victory. Easy peasy, right?”

Gameplay Enhancements

talisman 5th edition board game

Expect clearer, more balanced rules, making it a breeze for both veterans and newcomers to dive right in. New characters and quests add layers of strategy and surprise, while the redesigned game board enhances both functionality and aesthetic appeal.

Visual and Artistic Changes

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The 5th edition is a feast for the eyes. Vibrant, detailed artwork breathes new life into the Talisman world. Every card, board, and miniature has been upgraded, ensuring an immersive experience that’s as magical to look at as it is to play.

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You’ll be able to choose from 12 detailed character figures, like the Prophetess, Wizard, and Thief, each with a unique ability showcased on a matching card. The game board features the land of Talisman, split into three regions that evolve as players add Adventure cards.

Talisman Pre-Order and Release Information

Pre-Order Details Talisman: The Magical Quest Board Game $59.99

Avalon Hill Talisman: The Magical Quest Board Game, 5th Edition | Fantasy Tabletop Adventure Games | Ages 12 and Up | 2 to 6 Players | Roleplaying Strategy Games
  • EMBARK ON EPIC ADVENTURES: Compete for the coveted Crown of Command in a magical realm! This Talisman: The Magical Quest Game, 5th Edition offers a thrilling experience, combining strategy and luck
  • UPDATED GRAPHICS, COMPONENTS, AND GAMEPLAY: This 5th edition features stunning artwork, redesigned figures, and more streamlined and accessible gameplay that lets both newcomers and fans jump into a game
  • 12 DETAILED CHARACTER FIGURES: Play as one of 12 powerful characters, including a Prophetess, Wizard, and Thief. Includes 12 Character figures and matching cards that reveal a character’s unique ability
  • FIND THE TALISMAN: Set forth on a dangerous journey—race to be the first to acquire a Talisman, reach the Crown of Command, and vanquish its guardian dragon to win
  • TRAVEL THROUGH A MAGICAL LAND: The generously sized board depicts the land of Talisman, 3 regions of enchanted locations. The board changes as players layer on Adventure cards with more places to encounter

Last update on 2024-06-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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Inside the box, you’ll find everything you need for an epic quest: a game board, 12 character figures, 12 character cards, 100 Adventure cards, 24 Spell cards, 18 Purchase cards, 4 Talisman cards, one Toad card, six Toad tokens, 114 counters, 38 Fate tokens, 12 Alignment tokens, 30 coins, three six-sided dice, and a rulebook.

Release Date and Pricing

You can now pre-order the 5th edition on Amazon in the US. It’s set to be released on July 4th, 2024. Don’t miss out on this epic release – pre-order now!


The Future of Talisman

With its new miniatures, updated artwork, and revamped rulebook, it will surely bring a fresh and exciting experience to new players and long-time fans.

If you’re a fan of board games or fantasy adventures, watch this spot to embark on this epic quest into the land of Talisman to claim the Crown of Command!

Click Here to Pre-Order Talisman Today!

Will you be trying to get a copy of Talisman when it hits pre-order in the States?

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!