Legions Imperialis

Step into the world of Legions Imperialis, your ultimate destination for the latest game news, miniature releases, how-to-play, rules, rules, updates, and more surrounding this epic tabletop gaming experience.

A world where titanic god-machines clash, valiant pilots take to the skies, and vast armies wage war. We provide in-depth coverage of this pivotal epic period in Warhammer 40k history.

From the awe-inspiring battles of Adeptus Titanicus to the intense dogfights of Aeronautica Imperialis, join us as we delve into these realms and unravel the untold stories that shape the Legions Imperialis universe.

Prepare for epic encounters and forge your legend on the battlefields of the future in a time before Warhammer 40k!

What is Legions Imperialis?

Legions Imperialis is an immersive tabletop game set in a rich and intricate universe where mighty armies clash in epic battles; it uses a far larger scale than most Warhammer games, giving you control over giant armies, machines, and flyers. 

What is the Setting of Legions Imperialis?

Legions Imperialis details 3Legions Imperialis is set during the Horus Heresy, where Legions of Space Marines battled for control of Mankind, with Horus leading the traitor legions and The Emperor leading the loyalist forces.

While it mainly focuses on Space Marines, you can play the Solar Auxillia, and maybe more in the future.

What is The Scale of Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis?

Legions Imperialis details 4The game is in what Games Workshop called their Epic scale (roughly 1/4 of a regular Space Marine), meaning instead of individual models, you have full units, detachments, and formations.

This means each model is far smaller than regular Warhammer 40k or Horus Heresy.

Can You Use Adeptus Titanicus & Aeronautica Imperialis Miniatures in the Game?

Yes, all the models from Adeptus Titanicus can be used, and the corresponding models from Aeronautica Imperialis will be compatible. However, the bases for Legions Imperialis are thinner.

Our comprehensive coverage keeps you informed and engaged, from book releases to miniature game expansions of this epic-scale Warhammer game!