Wanting to broaden your Chaos Marine horizons? Check out these three 40k units from Forge World that you might want to try (again)!
Chaos got a heaping dose of support from GW not too long ago. And with that, there’s probably a lot of new Chaos fans that haven’t looked into everything Forge World has to offer. Check out our top three picks to try (again).
1. Chaos Decimator
Chaos Decimators are like the Warp’s own take on a Dreadnought. These things have a T7 chassis with 8 wounds and a 3+ save. They really sit in the same weight class as a normal Imperial Dread. However, these guys have some awesome weapon options. For example, the Soulburner Petard is an Assault 2D3 weapon with each hit automatically doing a mortal wound.
They move 10″ a piece and even have 5 attacks base. You might want to run one Soulburner and one close combat weapon on each Decimator. You can chuck out some mortal wounds and still do a ton of damage in melee with your claw arm. While they don’t have too many wounds to keep them going, they at least get to regen one back each turn and have a 5++ invuln.
2. Blood Slaughterer of Khorne
Blood Slaughterers love to pick on the little guys. With a name like “Blood Slaughterer of Khorne” you can make a pretty good guess that this thing is bred for melee. He’s T7 and has 10 wounds with degrading characteristics. However, he is a blender in combat. If your opponent has any elite Infantry units on the table, he can make short work of them. At full bracket, he gets a total of nine attacks at S10 AP -3 and 3 flat damage. That’s basically double the damage output of a single Death Company Dreadnought on a fast T7 body.
He auto advances 6″ and can heal a wound back each turn. He’s definitely a fluffy option for any World Eaters player. But with his stats being on the squishy side, we feel like you might want to run two or three of these guys to make sure at least one gets into combat.
3. Chaos Hell Blade
The Hell Blade is essentially designed to Alpha Strike light targets that preferably fly. It can be given two cannons at S6 that do 3 damage flat or two Las Cannons. It’s T6 with 8 wounds so it’s on the squishier side. However, the natural Airborne -1 to hit rule gives it some more survivability. They’re somewhat cheap at only 130 pts a piece and can be pretty brutal if you use three of them to converge on a single target. Just don’t expect these guys to be sitting on the table too long. They’re oppressive and your opponent will want to get rid of them pretty quick.
And that’s been our list of three Forge World units you might want to try in your Chaos list. Each one of our picks serves a different role in your army and depending on what the rest of your list looks like, one might be better over the other.
With that said, tell us your experience playing these units in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.