40k’s Top Unbeatable Chaos Army Lists: JAN 2019

Ahriman The Exile

So far in 2019, we’ve seen all kinds of lists make it to the top. However, Chaos as a faction has been one of the meta archetypes this month for sure!

Check out the top unbeatable army lists from major tournaments that have been held so far in 2019. Keep in mind that although these may be all Chaos, they are certainly unique in their own right.

Hammer in the New Year Tournament– Austin Wingfield: Thousand Sons

Daemon Primarch Mortarion

thousand sons list

This list is one that you have to deal with quickly. It’s packed with some of the best HQs/characters that Chaos has to offer. Not only were Magnus AND Mortarion fielded, but Ahriman and a Daemon Prince as well. On a side note, what makes these two so good is that they can’t be targeted like normal. Ahriman is a pocket Magnus himself that can babysit Morty just long enough to keep him in the game. Plus, the Deathshroud Terminators were more than willing to intercept wounds for the Primarch.

A Battalion of Nurgle was brought along just to have some models holding objective while the characters did most of the leg work.

Last Chance Open Mike Porter: Chaos Marines

abaddon chaos wal hor marine

last chance chaos

We’re not sure why the list is shown as cut off, but we can still break everything down. Starting off, the player actually brought Abaddon and a massive entourage of Cultists with the mark of Slaanesh. Remember that Abaddon lets friendly Heretic Astartes auto-pass morale if he’s close enough so those Cultists weren’t going anywhere. To make matters worse, he could always use the Tide of Traitors stratagem to bring them back to full strength. These Cultists were hellbent on sticking to the board.

Obliterators with the mark of Slaanesh were brought along specifically to be able to shoot twice with the Endless Cacophony stratagem. (He could also use this on the massive Cultist blob if he wanted to as well).

Lastly, two massive blobs of Tzaangors were fielded to crash into a unit and make it disappear. Tzaangors are deceptively hard to kill and can really slice and dice especially closing the gap with Dark Matter Crystal. Don’t forget Ahriman (i.e Pocket Magnus) was right behind them slinging psychic powers.

Goldensprue Cup Jim Vesal: Thousand Sons

Thousand Sons

Looking at Thousand Sons, Ahriman and a trio of Daemon Princes with Talons were taken. As a side note, the Talons on a Daemon Prince can pop tanks and shred infantry. They’re solid, to say the least in 8th. A Tzaangor bomb slammed into the enemy lines to crack defenses and buy time for the rest of the army.

jim vesal

Speaking of the rest of the army, sixty Plaguebearers with support from a Sloppity Bilepiper and a Poxbringer marched up the board ever so slowly (thank you Nurgle). Luckily, the Tzaangor bomb mixed with twenty-eight other Horrors was enough for the enemy to chew through while the Plaguebearers eventually made it up the table.

In conclusion, this list capitalized on the best HQs and troops that Daemons have to offer. And of course, it always helps to have Magnus Lite with you.

plaguebearer sm hor wal

Although Chaos hasn’t made it to first place as of yet, they are definitely floating around the top. They have some of the most powerful units in the game right now. For example, Daemon Primarchs, Daemon Princes with Talons, Ahriman, etc. We feel like they will constantly be a threat that new lists have to take down.

What do you think about Chaos in 8th? What are some of your favorite combos Chaos has to offer? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.