Assault & Decimate: Night Lords Army of One

Night Lords

When the Night Lords are ready to assault and decimate a solar system you better hope you are not in that area!

Check out one amazing model submitted via email by Corrina Robinson.

Corrina has given us a great description of what she has done here so I will just let her describe it to you.

Night Lords

Well, I always try and find a different color scheme for models.

Night Lords

I thought ‘what if a Lord of Skulls wanted to be extra scary’ so I made him part of the Night Lords. I also love the Night Lords colors. 

Night Lords

 tried something new for the high lighting as well. After I had painted the model blue, and used lighter blues for the highlights, I took GW’s Runefang Steel and did a super light dry brush.

Night Lords

Not only did this make the sharp edges pop out, but it gave a light metallic sheen to the armor.

Night Lords

Finally, The tanks of murder juice on the back. I spent quite some time building up righter reds topped with little dots of white to look like bubbles.

Night Lords

Then a light glaze of GW’s Bloodletter to tie it all together. Then added a good layer of GW’s ‘Ardcoat to make the surface look like glass.

Night Lords

“We will run over the enemy!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!