Chaos Buyers Guide: Top Heavy Support For the New Player

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Chaos is the strongest it’s ever been in 8th edition right now. We’ll be looking at a few more Heavy Support units for the Chaos 2.0 codex.

Chaos 2.0 has been here for a minute now and it only has one problem…Nearly everything in the codex is actually useful. So here’s a handy buyer’s breakdown for new and returning players that explains what every power unit does in the new codex.

If you missed Part One and Part Two make sure you get caught up and take a look at them as well!



Why they’re good: The new player’s crutch-and-clutch heavy support unit. Obliterators got fatter, stronger, and more expensive in Chaos 2.0. This presents a problem for veteran players who liked them better when they were cheaper. But it’s not a problem for newbies just learning the game that need a big expensive dude to just teleport in and make something dead.

Obliterators are the ultimate training wheels one-button firepower choice. They are also a working alternative to some models that are harder to get. Make no mistake, the obliterator is not unemployed by his price increase- He’s the only firepower unit in Chaos that competes in the same weight class as terminators and havocs… The difference between them is that he doesn’t need to farm bits or make conversions to do it. 

Do they play out of the box: Yes, something havocs and terminators don’t do.



Why they’re good: “Don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years!” is the Maulerfiend theme song. These giant Dinobot monsters are now the wombo combo spam of choice for Lord Discordant(s), and they’re fast and they punch stuff.

Do they play out of the box: Yes, but for best results, babysit them with lord Discordant(s).


shadowspear venomcrawler new multipar chaos

Why they’re good: The Venomcrawler has the same life story as the Greater Possessed and the Master of Possession- He’s there and he’ll do the job for you. Venomcralwers are very reasonably priced. They aren’t as fast and punchy as Maulerfiends, but they do have guns, something Maulerfiends don’t have. It’s actually a decent gun if a Lord Discordant is around to babysit.

Furthermore, If you’re already full of Maulerfiends and Lord Discordants but you still want more monster mash, Spiderman is the guy you call to fill out the roster. He has a middle-of-the-road thing going for him. Spiderman shines when you’re new and you’ve got no other options. He’s punchy enough for your baby Chaos list, and the fact that he has guns will at least give you something to do in your shooting phase.

Does he play out of the box? Yes. Just be careful when you glue the legs together. They’re tricky. Also, like the other Dinobots, he needs a Lord Discordant to babysit him.



Why they’re good: The reaper chaincannon is the new hotness for Chaos. Vigilus also has a stratagem that allows Havocs to shoot on your opponent’s turn before he shoots you. That’s really good. Unfortunately, Havocs, just like terminators, being the fresh new hotness in Chaos marine firepower, are cranky boys that need lots of extra attention to work.

There’s only one chain cannon in every box, and that’s just not good enough. If you want to play Havocs, you’re either going to need to buy four boxes just to make one Chainsquad. Or you’re going to have to find some wacky new spare parts on the internet. Havocs are the top firepower unit in Chaos 2.0, but also the thirstiest for your wallet… Which is why Obliterators look so good for players that want to just dump the models out of the box and go.

Do they play out of the box? Absolutely not. Needs lots of bits to build the squad correctly. Conveniently, however, we at Spikey Bits know a guy for that…

With all that being said, how does your Chaos list look? Do you play for competitiveness or fluffy fun? Which units do you wish were better out of the codex? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

oh yeah

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