Double Gattlers Staying: Chaos Knights Weapons Cost, Relics & More

Chaos Knight wal hor

Gatling cannons aren’t going anywhere now as Chaos Knights have access to a whole lot of dakka. Check out the weapons points costs, relics & more.

Spotted on Blood of Kittens, we’ve got an early look at a ton of rules coming to Chaos. We initially thought that GW would be taking away the classic Knight weapons like the Thermal Cannon and Avenger Gatling Cannon, but you’ll be happy to know that they’re still on the table!

Take a look at the latest points and rules we have already posted as we rundown their weapons costs, relics & more:

Chaos Knights Points Cost & Rampager Rules SPOTTED

chaos knight wal 2Chaos Knights are right around the corner. Before they hit the shelves, check out the rules and points costs for the incoming new releases. Read More

New 40k Chaos Knight Rules: Points, Relics, Stratagems & More

chaos knight wal 3Don’t miss these new Warhammer 40k Chaos Knights rules that are right around the corner! Matched play is at the heart of the latest batch of rules. Read More

Chaos Knight Weapons Points Cost

chaos knight dreadblade


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Check out the base points of your Knights and add up the Wargear options below to get a ballpark of what your list will be looking like once the codex drops.

  • Reaper Chainsword: 30pts
  • Thunderstrike Gauntlet: 35pts
  • Avenger Gatling Cannon: 85pts
  • Laser Destructor: 0pts
  • Rapid Fire Battle Cannon: 90pts
  • Thermal Cannon: 55pts
  • War Dog Autocannon: 5pts
  • Ironstorm Missile Pod: 16pts
  • Plasma Decimator: 40pts
  • Stormspear Rocket Pod: 45pts
  • shield breaker missiles: 15pts
  • Thundercoil Harpoon: 0pts
  • Conflagration Cannon: 0pts
  • Thermal Spear: 0pts
  • Volcano Lance: 70pts
  • Meltagun: 14pts
  • Heavy Flamer: 14pts
  • Heavy Stubber: 2pts

There’s a lot going on here in terms of points but the great news is that Chaos is still having full access to what the Imperium has to offer. Though for some options the costs are a bit higher…

Chaos Knight Despoiler Datasheet Spotted

This datasheet was spotted in a youtube video review of the codex. There’s some fantastic news here…

knight despoiler 2

The Knight Despoiler is going to be the option you want to roll with if you plan on bringing any kind of classic Imperial firepower.

knight despoiler 3

Some of the community was worried that they could be getting rid of the dual Avenger Gatling Cannons and the good news is that you can totally still bring two on your Knights. PEW PEW!

Corrupted Heirlooms LATEST

knight relic

You might have already seen this page of corrupted heirlooms. However, there is apparently even more out there:

  • The Teeth that Hunger: Replaces Chainsword for a S+8 AP -4 Damage flat 6. +1 Attack, and the end of a battle round where you don’t kill any models this model takes a MW.
  • Quicksilver throne of Slaanesh: +1 to Advance and Charge rolls. Always fights first.
  • Rune of Nak’T’Graa: Model gains a 5++ save. Dreadblade only. (We thought all Knights had Ion Shields, however, this could be a 5++ invuln in combat as well).
  • Bound Yaradian Psychogheist: When shooting, an unmodified roll of a 6 increases the AP of the attack by 1.
  • The Traitors Mark: Enemies within 12″ are -1 Ld. -2 Ld when they are within 6″.
  • Helm of Warp-Sight: Ignore all modifiers to hit when shooting ranged weapons. Especially good against anything -1/-2.
  • Carapace of Nurgle: When this model makes a save in melee on a 4+ if causes a Mortal Wound to the unit that caused it. (This is incredible if you pair this with the Nurgle relic that does the exact same thing for Death Guard. Your opponents will be forced to throw their heaviest firepower at the Knight to prevent any unnecessary MW.

Chaos Knight Warlord Traits

chaos knight dominus

  • Enemy units within 12″ are -1 to charge and Ld is taken on 2D6 discarding the lowest result.
  • Knight has Objective Secured and counts as 10 models.
  • Every enemy vehicle within 6″ suffers a MW on a 4+ each turn.
  • Knight gets +1″ to charge and +1 attack when they’re in their opponent’s deployment zone.
  • Knight can deny one Psychic Power and has a 5+++ FNP against Mortal wounds caused in the Psychic Phase.

Overall, these traits don’t seem overly impressive. They do have their uses. However, are very conditional.

The best way to describe Chaos Knights in terms of their Imperial counterparts is different. We can’t say they’ll be objectively better or worse. However, their rules are so unique that we’ll just have to wait and see how they shape the meta once they hit the tabletop. That being said, how will you be kitting your Knight out? How many will you be bringing in your 2k list?

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About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018


About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.