FTN 40k Webcast Battle Report #3 VIdeo

By Rob Baer | January 23rd, 2014 | Categories: Battle Reports, Chaos Space Marines, Grey Knights, Videos, Webcast

Checkout our Fourth Forge the Narrative live Webcast Battle Report. 

This was the first webcast meeting of these two 40k Titans although Kenny and MBG played back at Nova Open in August as well.

Kenny defeated Rob the first time, by a narrow margin, and now it’s time for REVENGE! Can MBG take down Kenny this time around?

We also talked and commented during the game about all the normal gaming and nerd stuff you have come to love from our podcast as well.

Plus we fielded a ton of YOUR questions during the show as well too!

Hope you liked this video batrep! Be sure to checkout our other battle reports and live webcast battles as well. -MBG