He’s a Monster – Multipart Helbrute Review

By Rob Baer | March 17th, 2014 | Categories: Chaos Space Marines, Product Review, Unboxing, Videos

After 25 years, this is may just be the dreadnought kit Chaos players have been waiting for!

The new Multipart Helbrute model is here and at first look it’s a pretty dynamic kit.  Based on the static “snap together” kit from the Dark Vengeance boxed set, this model has tons of character.
The new Helbrute has six heads and eight different arm options, making for a pretty varied and dynamic kit.  
However making it easy to change those weapons out may be a bit tricky as each arm has feed hoses that attach to it, and two different shoulder sockets to mount those weapons two (one facing up and one level with the ground).  
But it may be possible with a little plastic glue magic to just attach the feeder hoses on one end and leave them loose for some magic magnet quick changes.
There also a pretty neat 70’s styled decal sheet (that reminds me of Iphone’s new IOS 7) that has a ton of new unit and legion markings that made it’s debut with this kit as well.
How does the new Helbrute model stack up to existing kits? Press play on my video review below to find out! -Enjoy MBG