More Warhammer 40k Units We Need: Chaos Assassins!

chaos assassin eversor

Want even more new 40k Assassin rules? Operatives that turned to the forces of Chaos, could be another untouched rules goldmine that GW has yet to dip into.

When you think about everything the Imperium has to offer, they’ve got all sorts of new models, exclusive units, etc. So why haven’t they fallen to Chaos? You know, Vindicares, Eversors, Culexus’s etc. are all human at the end of the day, which means they are totally susceptible to falling to Chaos.

Of course, you could either just give them the ability to take a Mark of <insert Chaos god here> or you could look at the assassins and match them up with a Chaos god that fits them the best!

Khornate Culexus & Eversors


Since a Culexus assassin preys on Psykers specifically and Khorne absolutely hates anything Psychic, the Culexus would probably be big K’s first pick. Followers of Khorne (Daemons and Berserkers) are both really susceptible to the psychic phase. Simply because they don’t have any Psykers and, as we said before, Khorne hates them.

If you had the ability to throw a couple of Culexus Assassins that pledge their allegiance to destroy Imperial Psykers in a World Eater’s list, they could do some real damage to a couple of unlucky Librarians.

eversor assassin

Looking at the Eversor Assassin, he would be another auto-include when you think about which Assassins might fall to a certain Chaos god. The Eversors are completely drugged-out and are so hellbent on destroying their target, their organs are soaked in an explosive agent that when they die, they explode. If an Eversor wanted to collect skulls, he would be able to do it with ease. When you combine the drug cocktail running through their veins with the rage and hatred that flows through Khorne worshippers, you would have a walking blending machine.

Maybe these guys would have a rule where they could even pile in and fight twice like normal Khorne Berserkers.

Slaaneshi Eversor & Callidus Assassin


Even though we put the Eversor under a Khornate list, we could make the exact same case for one that decided to follow Slaanesh. The Eversors are injected with an unholy amount of super-drugs right before they get activated to go and kill their primary target. Who knows what kind of drugs some Slaaneshi Cultists whip up over a long weekend of partying. This guy could get something like a 4+++/5+++ Feel no Pain and even get an extra attack for every wound he takes.


As for the Callidus, we can see her being something Slaanesh would want. She’s quick and agile and has a little wrist blade that looks a lot like what the Daemonettes use anyway.

Imagine her in a more twisted, perverse form of her Imperial self. She could even get some kind of rule like a Beguiling aura. It could makes her foes -2 to hit her because they are so enthralled with her looks. (Some Slaaneshi Daemons have similar rules to this so it isn’t that far-fetched of an idea).

A Nurgle Vindicare


When you consider which Assassin is the least mobile, the first one that comes to mind is the Vindicare. It’s only fitting that the Assassin that would follow Nurgle would also be the one that doesn’t want to move! Nurgle models are naturally slower than everybody else, but are a lot more toxic.

Looking at the Vindicare, he could be bloated and busting at the seams with disease. He wouldn’t need to move that much because thankfully he’s got a crazy sniper rifle. A Disgustingly Resilient rule wouldn’t just do him justice either. He probably wouldn’t ever get targeted enough for that to realy come into effect. So maybe Nurgle could have given him some bullets laced with his experimental diseases from the Warp.

Not only would shooting a target deal a ton of damage, but you could roll on a D3 table to see which disease was on the bullet. Something like:

D3 Table Result

1: halfed movement until next turn

2: -1 toughness and -1 to save rolls until next turn

3: D3 mortal wounds

Tzeentch & Assassins


There aren’t any Assassins that stick out to us that scream Tzeentch. However, that’s not to say that something like a Callidus could be gifted a set of Psychic powers that they could use to play on the minds of their target. We know that Calliduses like to sneak in close and cause a lot of early-game harassment. So, a Psychic power stopping the target from overwatching and making them always fight last (Similar to the GSC Mass Hypnosis power) would be fitting.

At the end of the day, these are all completely hypothetical but definitely not outside the realm of possibility. Who knows what GW could be working on behind the scenes of their model-making. Would you like to see Chaos Assassins get their own set of rules? Which one would you use? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.