Chaos Space Marines

Chaos Space Marines Articles, News, Rumors & Updates

Welcome to the shadowy and unholy domain of the Chaos Space Marines, packed with the latest updates on rules, model releases, and point changes. Here’s everything you need to know about these twisted servants of the Dark Gods.

Dive into the chaos-infused powers of their warbands, the sinister strategies of their iconic leaders, and the terrifying might of their Daemonic allies through the links below:

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From the dark majesty of Abaddon the Despoiler to the brutal carnage of Khorne Berzerkers, this is your hub for all things Chaos as they wage their eternal war against the Imperium.

You’ll find up-to-the-minute updates and stories from the frontlines of the Long War as the legions of Chaos carve their bloody path through the galaxy.

Glory to Chaos, and may the Warp consume all who oppose you!

The Inquisition has sent an Imperial decree to Chapter Master Kadorr of the Storm Lords that a rogue detachment of Space Wolves have been located within their sector and must be terminated with extreme prejudice. Wolf Lord Arn of the Iron Wolves Great Company will join them in the hunt with his personal cadre to […]

Read More | June 4th, 2015

“I was never a Son of Horus. I was and remain a Luna Wolf. A proud son of Cthonia, a loyal servant of the Emperor, beloved by all. I am your enemy.” – Garviel Loken

Read More | April 12th, 2015