Chaos Space Marines

Chaos Space Marines Articles, News, Rumors & Updates

Welcome to the shadowy and unholy domain of the Chaos Space Marines, packed with the latest updates on rules, model releases, and point changes. Here’s everything you need to know about these twisted servants of the Dark Gods.

Dive into the chaos-infused powers of their warbands, the sinister strategies of their iconic leaders, and the terrifying might of their Daemonic allies through the links below:

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From the dark majesty of Abaddon the Despoiler to the brutal carnage of Khorne Berzerkers, this is your hub for all things Chaos as they wage their eternal war against the Imperium.

You’ll find up-to-the-minute updates and stories from the frontlines of the Long War as the legions of Chaos carve their bloody path through the galaxy.

Glory to Chaos, and may the Warp consume all who oppose you!

The skies are starting to darken, and it’s not just because it’s winter. Tons of Chaos Rumors are dropping, and it seems like new Chaos models may even be a priority at Forge World as well.

Read More | January 12th, 2015

As we could have predicted from the Unrelenting Hunt dataslate on Tuesday, the Crimson Slaughter Dataslate, Kranon’s Helguard, features the contents of the Dark Vengeance box on the Chaos side along with the expansion bundle box that was released recently.

Read More | June 5th, 2018

Today we get to look at AJ Thornton’s Award Winning Space Marine Champion. If you click on the Picture of the Day label you’ll be able to scroll through some great Warhammer related images, all at once. Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights?  We want those pics! Hungry […]

Read More | November 30th, 2014