Painting The Khorne Deathbringer In 8 EASY Steps

By Joshua Dunkerly | September 14th, 2015 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Chaos Space Marines, How To Tutorial


Come see how to paint some really groovy flesh tones for the new Exalted Deathbringer in a Khronate approved EIGHT easy steps.

Hello Everyone, Josh here again with another painting tutorial. This one is going to be on The Exalted Deathbringer. This model has a lot of character and details and was just a joy to paint.

Well lets get right into it so to start with you are going to need these colors.
1. Khorne Red
2. Agrax Earthshade
3. Mephiston Red
4. Evil Sunz Scarlet
5. Wild Rider Red
6. Yriel Yellow
7. Naggaroth Night
8. Fulgrim Pink

Begin by painting all the skin and armour plates in khorne red. Once that is done wash the red in agrax earthshade. After the wash is dry carefully put down another layer of khorne red leaving all the recess’s the wash color. Now to brighten it up and add depth put down a layer of mephiston red over the khorne red leaving the khorne red around the edges. Then youll want to start highlighting the model go around with evil sunz scarlet and highlight all the edges of the muscles and armour plates. Then do this one more time with wild rider red. Now you will also want to put a dot of yuriel yellow in for the eyes. Lastly for the scar areas put down a base of naggaroth night and then highlight it with fulgrim pink. I did all this in two steps as I was originally going to do another color for the skin, so I will put up both photos the first is the skin and the second is the armour plates.



For the next step will be doing the gold so we will need these colors.
1. Retributor Gold
2. Agrax Earthshade
3. Liberator Gold
4. Runefang Steel

For the gold start by laying down a basecoat of retributor gold in all the areas you want to be gold. Then wash them in agrax earthshade. Now using a drybrush, reapply the retributor gold. Then drybrush it again with liberator gold. And finally you will want to use a small detail brush and just hit the edges and the bolts with runefang steel.


Now were going to do all the metal, you will need these colors.
1. Leadbelcher
2. Nuln oil
3. Runefang steel

To start the metal paint all the areas you want with leadbelcher. Now wash them in nuln oil. Once the wash is dry reapply the leadbelcher using a drybrush leaving all the areas you want to stay dark the wash color. Then using a small detail brush highlight the edges and the tips of the metal runefang steel.


The next step were going to do the pants and the belts. The colors you will need for this are
1. Skrag Brown
2. Reikland Fleshshade
3. Zandri Dust
4. Eshin Grey
5. Dawnstone

Now go ahead and paint all the belts and straps in a basecoat of skrag brown. Then wash them in reikland fleshshade. Once the wash is dry highlight the edges in zandri dust. Now for the pants just highlight using pretty thick lines in eshin grey. Then rehighlight using thinner lines in Dawnstone.


Now to do the bone, horns, and cloth for this you will need these colors.
1. Rakarth Flesh
2. Reikland Fleshshade
3. Ushabti Bone
4. Screaming Skull

You will want to start by laying down a nice basecoat of rakarth flesh. Then wash it in Reikland Fleshshade. After thats dry go ahead and paint ushabti bone leaving just the recess’s and deep creases the wash color. Now do a final layer with screaming skull leaving the outer edges ushabti. (I also used khorne red to freehand on the symbol of khorne on the scroll but this is optional)


All thats left now is the details. Im not going to list every color used as these are just the fun bits like hair and bases that you can do in the flavor of your choosing, I will still go over it however. I did my hair blue. Which was done by applying a basecoat of kabalite green, then a wash of guiliman blue, and a quick highlight with teclis blue. The base was done in an ashen color by drybrushing it mechanicus standard grey and then another drybrush of celestia grey.


Well thats all for now everyone, hope you enjoyed painting along. And as always have fun!!