SHOWCASE: Like a Thief in the Night Tzeentch Strikes!

By Zach Bowles | March 21st, 2016 | Categories: Armies on Parade, Chaos Space Marines


Three armies down. One more to go. With that said here goes the Changer of Ways army! Tzeentch and all it’s glory, come see!

I had a blast painting this army (I’ve had a blast painting all these armies). Hope you all like what I’ve been producing for the guys at The Long War.


Ahriman. The man himself.

Five, Thousand Sons terminators, 5 chainfists and combi-plasma. Feel the pain train coming with these bad boys. The conversions are from Wargame Exlcusive. I love these models!












You all know what a Land Raider looks like, but seeing lightning bolts on one…  just awesome.















And lastly, the good old Heldrake. I used the wings from the Age of Sigmar zombie dragon for this conversion.

Hope you all enjoy seeing what I’m producing over here at Man Beard Miniature Painting. Keep an eye out leading up to Adepticon for the last of the four armies I’m doing and the custom display boards I’m doing up to go with these armies of love.


All four of these armies will be on sale at Adepticon for you to take home Sunday after the festivities.

Check me out on Facebook for more details!