Top Ten Ways to Fix Chaos Space Marines

By Rob Baer | April 9th, 2015 | Categories: Chaos Space Marines, Editorials, Top 10



Lately playing Chaos feels a lot like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football that Lucy’s holding. Here’s are a few things that can improve the codex.

1) Eternal Warrior – Some special characters have it but overall it’s very hard to get in the army. Some of these guys are like 10,000 years old, how much more ‘Eternal’ can you get?

2) The Defiler – It’s so good looking, and man it’s been a long time since they were even remotely good with a few tweaks they could be on everybody’s want list. I want to believe!

3) ‘And They Shall Know Fear’ – 10,000 year old billy bad asses know when it’s time to stay and time to run. Give Chaos something here, stubborn, some sort of reverse instability like maybe round one choice to break, round two a bump to Leadership, heck just LD 10 would be a step in the right direction!

4) Chaos Space Marines Troops – In the current Codex Cultists and or Plague Zombies are better for the points. These guys are 10,000 year old sell sword cut-throats, a random chart of USRs would help bridge the gap, or a points reduction even if they’re staying their ho-hum selves.

5) Chapter Tactics – Use the 30k Legion rules as a base, tons of flavor just waiting for 40k taste buds!

6) Storm Shields – Seems like even though they were not widely available in M31, you would think they would pick some up over the years and use them, right?

7) Reaper Autocannon – Hasn’t been good in years, cross it over with the Assult cannon and/or the rotor cannon for some new rule lovings!

8) Daemons – Why is it Eldar can summon Daemons better than Chaos Space Marines? Make squads contribute Warp Charge points as a command benefit or if they are all marked the same god or something.

9) Psychic Disciplines – Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Slaanesh want a full 6+1 chart of powers, they told me. No more faction tax of first power either please. Chaos = Spells!

10) Possessed Space Marines…

So what do you think? I think we all have different opinions on what can make Chaos better, and heck I can write one of these just on how to make Legion specific rules themselves.

Let’s hear YOUR points in the comments below!