Jkin brought this cool Scarab Occult Thousand Son Chaos Lord by the other day. I really dig its Egyptian styling, and the chaos feel.
Lets take a look at how he made it.
Jkin used an unique mix of Chaos Knights, Marines and Tomb Guard bits to make his Scarab Lord.
The Boltgun, arms and body are all from from the Chaos Terminator Lord kit. Then he added Chaos Knight shoulder pads from Fantasy to switch up the styling a bit.
He also added a head from the same kit that seems to tie that older look together, but also maintains the chaos aspect to the model. That head also goes good with the carrion perched on the shoulder of the model.
To finish it off, he made a force weapon out of a Chaos Knight Lance and Tomb Guard Halberd. It also looks like he took the Chaos Halberd blade, and attached it to the Combi Melta.
I’m sure he’ll tinker with this guy some more to match his other Scarab Occult models. Regardless this is still a great conversion!
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